Public Information Records Requests
NMRLD Response to Request
The records custodian must permit inspection immediately or as soon as practicable, but no later than fifteen (15) calendar days after the records custodian receives the inspection request. If inspection is not permitted within three (3) business days, the person making the request will receive a written response explaining when the records will be available for inspection or when the public body will respond to the request. If any of the records sought are not available for public inspection, the person making the request is entitled to a written response from the records custodian explaining the reasons inspection has been denied. The written denial shall be delivered or mailed within fifteen (15) calendar days after the records custodian received the request for inspection. If the records requested are extensive, the requestor may receive a burdensome letter extending the deadline for the request. Records may also be available for inspection at the NMRLD office at 2500 Cerrillos Road in Santa Fe. .
Downloadable Compliance Guides
Inspection of Public Records Acts Compliance Guide
This guide is aimed to inform the public, state and local government agencies, and all other public bodies subject to the Act about the Act’s requirements and application.