Manufactured Housing: Homeowners Permits
Homeowners who want to set up their own manufactured home and or install a foundation are required to fill out Homeowners Acknowledgement, and take an exam for each. Each exam is $50 and takes about 2 hours to complete. Homeowners will need to turn in any necessary supporting documents before being issued a permit to set up their own manufactured home.
Homeowner permits can be filled out at our local offices in: Albuquerque (505-222-9870), Santa Fe (505-476-4614), and Las Cruces (575-270-2433 Ext. 107).
If you have questions on Homeowners Permits, please contact us at:
Manufactured Housing Division
Regulation and Licensing Department
5500 San Antonio Dr. NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109
Permit Customer Service:
Albuquerque: 505-222-9870
Las Cruces: 575-270-2433
Santa Fe: 505-476-4614