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Financial Institutions Division

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Financial Institutions Division

The primary mission of the Financial Institutions Division (FID) is to license and regulate financial entities within its jurisdiction, to promote a sound financial and economic environment, and to safeguard consumer rights.

  • Safety and soundness are the primary focus in the administration of the acts related to insured depository institutions (banks, credit unions, and savings and loans associations).
  • Compliance is the primary focus in the administration of different rules, regulations, and acts related to non-depository industries (trust companies, collection agencies, endowed care cemeteries, small loan companies, motor vehicle sales finance companies, mortgage companies and loan brokers, escrow companies, and money service businesses).
  • Consumer protection is the underlying purpose of the FID, which licenses and regulates:  New Mexico-chartered banks, state-chartered savings & loan associations (aka savings banks), New Mexico-chartered credit unions, New Mexico-certified independent trust companies, mortgage loan companies, small loan companies, motor vehicle sales finance companies, collection agencies, repossessors, money service businesses, escrow companies, and endowed care cemeteries.

To accomplish these goals, FID works closely with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Reserve Banks, the National Credit Union Administration, and other federal and state regulatory bodies.

News and Announcements

Annual Small Loan Reporting Documents are now available

Small loan licensees, please visit the “Find Forms and Applications for Financial Institutions | NM RLD portion of our website to download the 2024 Regulated Lending Reporting Requirement Form and 2024 Report Completion Certification Form.  Once complete and accurate, please email them to the dedicated sl.reporting@rld.nm.gov address on or before April 15, 2025.

Licensing requirement determination request guidance

The FID has regulatory guidance regarding informal licensing requirement determination requests.  Please see the full guidance on the “Department Issued Guidance” portion of our website.

What We Do

Financial Institutions Division

The Financial Institutions Division (FID) licenses and regulates approximately 16,000 financial institutions, branches, managers, and individuals. Each type of financial entity has its own specific statutes, rules, and licensing requirements.  These include state-chartered banks, savings and loan associations, and credit unions; as well as independent trust companies; mortgage loan companies and originators; money service businesses; small loan companies; collection agencies and repossessors; escrow companies; motor vehicle sales finance companies; and endowed care cemetery trusts operating in the State of New Mexico.

About Us & FAQs

Annual Reports

File A Complaint

Financial Literacy & Education

Forms and Applications

Who We Regulate

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