Licensing, Registration, and Renewal

Chiropractic Board: Licensing, Registration, and Renewal

In accordance with Section 61-4-8 NMSA 1978, of the New Mexico Chiropractic Physician Practice Act, the board may, at its discretion, issue licenses to practice chiropractic in New Mexico to doctors who provide evidence of meeting the requirements outlined in the rule.

Click here to apply or renew.

  • a completed application form
  • a nonrefundable application and licensing fee of $700.00 payable by cashier’s check or money order
  • letter-size copy of original chiropractic diploma
  • 2” x 2” photograph attached to the application
  • transcript from the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (parts I, II, III, IV and physiotherapy exam) demonstrating a passing score
  • all transcripts must be sent directly from each agency to the New Mexico board
  • verification of licensure and good standing in any state where the applicant holds a current or inactive license must be sent directly from a state licensing agency to the New Mexico board
  • the applicant has had no disciplinary action imposed or criminal convictions, applicant agrees to a national practitioners databank, a Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards background check, and will sign a criminal record releases
  • complete the state jurisprudence exam with a score of at least 75%
    • The board shall issue an expedited license to a chiropractic physician who:
      • is a graduate of a standard college of chiropractic
      • holds a valid and unrestricted license, in good standing, in an eligible jurisdiction
      • has been a licensed chiropractor for at least 2 years immediately prior to application in New Mexico

      In accordance with Section 61-1-31.1 NMSA 1978, a candidate for expedited licensure must submit to the board a complete application containing the following:

      • a completed and signed application form
      • a nonrefundable application and licensing fee of $550.00 payable by cashier’s check or money order
      • proof of a current license in good standing from an eligible jurisdiction as defined in these rules

      List of Disapproved Licensing Jurisdictions, Reasons: Applicants licensed in the following states and territories of the United States shall not be eligible for expedited licensure under Section 61-4-8 NMSA 1978 of the Chiropractic Physician Practice Act:

      • American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands, on the grounds that education and licensure examination requirements cannot be determined to be consistent with those requirements in New Mexico
      • New York, on the grounds that New York’s licensure examination requirements are not consistent with the licensing requirements in New Mexico

      If the licensee has not passed the following examinations in another jurisdiction that are required for licensure in New Mexico pursuant to NMAC, the licensee must pass the exam prior to applying for renewal:

      • the board’s jurisprudence exam
      • national board exams I, II, III, and IV
      • the physiotherapy exam conducted by the national board of chiropractic examiners

      If the applicant has a potentially disqualifying criminal conviction, or the board may have other cause to deny the application pursuant to Section 61-4-10 NMSA 1978:

      • the matter of the applicant’s application shall be submitted to the board for consideration and action at its next available regular meeting
      • the license may not be issued within 30 days of submission of the complete application
      • the board may vote to grant the application or refer the matter to its administrative prosecutor for denial of the application as provided by the board’s rules

    A military service member or veteran who is issued an expedited license shall not be charged any initial licensing fees or renewal fees for the first 3 years of licensure with the board. A candidate for expedited licensure under Section 61-1-34 NMSA 1978 must submit to the board a complete application containing the following:

    • a completed and signed application form
    • proof of a current license in good standing from another jurisdiction, including a branch of the Unite States armed forces
    • submission of the following documentation:
      • for military service member: a copy of military orders
      • for spouse of military service members: copies of military service member’s military orders, and marriage license
      • for spouses of deceased military service members: copies of decedent’s DD 214 and marriage license
      • for dependent children of military service members: copies of military service member’s orders listing dependent child or a copy of military orders, and one of the following: a copy of birth certificate, military service member’s federal tax return, or other governmental or judicial documentation establishing dependency
      • for veterans (retired or separated): proof of honorable discharge, such as a copy of DD Form 214, DD Form 215, DD form 256, DD Form, 257, NGB Form 22, military ID card, a driver’s license or state ID card with a veteran’s designation, or other documentation verifying honorable discharge

    If the applicant has a potentially disqualifying criminal conviction, or the board may have other cause to deny the application pursuant to Section 61-4-10 NMSA 1978:

      • the matter of the applicant’s application shall be submitted to the board for consideration and action at its next available regular meeting
      • the license may not be issued within 30 days of submission of the complete application
      • the board may vote to grant the application or refer the matter to its administrative prosecutor for denial of the application as provided by the board’s rules

    On or before June 1 of each year, the chiropractic board shall e-mail to the last address on file with the board a renewal notice to each person licensed to practice chiropractic in New Mexico. The license shall expire at midnight on June 30th of each year.  To renew the license the following shall be submitted to the board office:

    • A properly completed and signed renewal application postmarked on or before July 1
    • Copies of continuing education certificates
    • Nonrefundable license renewal fee(s) by check or money order:
      • Active License: $300
      • Inactive License: $100
      • Advanced Practice Certification: Additional $100
      • Each chiropractor subject to renewal will be assessed an Impairment Fee for an amount not to exceed $60.00 per renewal period.
    • Penalty for late renewal: $100 (per month or portion of a month for which the license renewal fee is in arrears, the penalty not to exceed $1000)

    By July 31 of each year, the board shall send, by certified mail, to the address on file with the board, a forfeiture notice to each licensee who has not made the application for license renewal.

    Failure to respond to the notice by the date specified, which date must be at least 31 days after the forfeiture notice is sent by the board, either by submitting the renewal application and applicable fees, or the information required about continuing education hours, or by notifying the board that the licensee has voluntarily retired the license, or has applied for inactive status, shall result in forfeiture of the license to practice chiropractic in New Mexico.

    1. You must request preceptorship in New Mexico from your attending Chiorpractic University.
    2. The Supervising Chiropractor Physician must request preceptorship from the attending Chiropractic University and provide proof of malpractice insurance indicated in rule pursuant to: NMAC.             
    3. Chiropractic Physician Verification of Licensure from New Mexico
    4. Submit the Chiropractic Preceptorship program Approval Letter from the Chiropractic University of attendance to the board from the Chiropractic University.
    • The letter should include the following: Student Name, School Name, Preceptor Doctors license # and Name, Period of preceptorship, Date of graduation and clinics address.