Athletic Commission: FAQs

The state regulates professional boxing, kickboxing, mixed martial arts, and professional wrestling.

Yes, the State Athletic Commission also regulates amateur martial arts.

Proof of current licensure, current blood work (Hep C, Hep B, and HIV) and is required to be drawn within six months of the event and within 30 days if an out-of-state fighter, and federal identification.

Only a complete event application will be submitted for approval to the commission. The following documents must be included with the application in order for it to be considered complete:

  • Completed Event Permit
  • Bout sheet including full [legal] names of participants
  • Contract weight and the number of scheduled rounds
  • Fight Fax on all fighters (boxing)
  • Insurance Policy – surety protection for participants (fighters)
  • All contracts for all fighters (amateur and professional)
  • Verification of adequate security (licensed)
  • Verification of ambulance and medical technicians
  • Verification of Physician in attendance
  • Pre and post ticket manifest
  • Name of ticket agency
  • Manifest of all tickets delivered to the promoter
  • Copy of the contract of the event venue

6 months from when you get it drawn to the event

12 months from your eye exam to the event

No, just professionals.

Licenses are valid for a calendar year (January 1 to December 31).

Every license is an initial license. There are no renewals.