Online Services
Online Services
Alcoholic Beverage Control Division
Liquor Control Act
Tobacco Products Act
File a Complaint
Apply for a License
Apply for a Special Event Permit or Tasting Permit
Verify a Licensed Facility or Server Permit
For an alcohol liquor license, alcohol delivery permit, tobacco/tobacco products license and expiration date, or Server Permits, search the RLD database by selecting Regulation Type (Alcohol or Tobacco), Entity Type (busines/premises, Alcohol Server or Instructor) and enter the Business Type & Name for Establishments or First Name and Last Name for Server (do not search for old permit number). Click on the link below:
Boards and Commissions Division

Click here to apply or renew.
The New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department has implemented an online licensing system called NM-PLUS for the Boards and Commissions Division.
Apply for or Renew a License or Permit
- Please visit a board or commission page using the below list for information and instructions on how to apply or renew a license.
- Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
- Athletic Trainers
- Barbers and Cosmetology
- Body Art
- Chiropractic Board
- Counseling and Therapy
- Dental Health Care Board
- Funeral Services
- Home Inspectors
- Interior Design
- Landscape Architects Board
- Massage Therapy Board
- Nutrition and Dietetics Board
- Occupational Therapy Board
- Physical Therapy Board
- Private Investgations Advisory Board
- Public Accountancy
- Psychologist Examiners
- Pharmacy Board
- Real Estate Commission
- Respiratory Care
- Signed Language
- Social Work Examiners
- Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology, and Hearing Aid Dispensing Practices
Verify a License
- License Lookup for Boards Listed Above
- License Lookup for Athletic Commission
- License Verification Request
File a Complaint or Violation
Cannabis Control Division
Construction Industries Division
Financial Institutions Division
- About Us
- Mortgage loan companies, mortgage loan company branches, mortgage loan originators, collection Agencies, collection agency branches, collection agency managers, repossession companies, motor vehicle sales finance companies, and money services businesses all apply/renew/verify through NMLS.
- Endowed care cemeteries and small loan companies apply/renew from forms on the forms and applications page Forms and Applications | NM RLD and verify here.
- Banks, trust companies, and credit unions apply utilizing information from the FAQs FAQs | NM RLD and some forms from the forms and applications page Forms and Applications | NM RLD (these are complex applications and most information provided would be from an attorney and not on a simply form) and verify through the static docs on the about us page About Us | NM RLD
Manufactured Housing Division
Manufactured Housing Divison
Securities Division
The primary mission of the New Mexico Securities Division is investor protection. Consistent with that purpose, the division seeks to preserve and strengthen a free and competitive securities market for New Mexico, increase investor confidence and thereby encourage the formation of capital, to promote integrity, fairness, and full disclosure in financial services. It accomplishes this goal by:
- Educating New Mexicans about the proper ways of raising investment capital and about the risks associated with investments
- Reviewing and approving some types of investment opportunities before issuers raise capital to ensure compliance with the law
- Discovering, stopping, and prosecuting those who violate the laws governing investment capital, or who commit fraud
- Licensing stock brokers and investment advisers whose business is to assist and advise investors
Consumer Protection and Investor Education
Carnival Ride Insurance Program, Crane Operators Safety Program, Employee Leasing Program
For Licensee Searches concerning Mortgage Loan Companies, Mortgage Loan Company Branches or Mortgage Loan Originators, Collection Agencies, Collection Agency Branch(es), Collection Agency Manager, and Repossession Companies, please click on the link for the NMLS Consumer Access please click on the link to the NMLS Consumer Access.
Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry (NMLS) – Public Consumer Access