Alcohol and Tobacco Posters

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Alcohol and Tobacco Posters


Mandatory Posters

As required by NMAC, all licensees dispensing alcohol by package or by drink must conspicuously post the following three (3) posters:

1. Minors Not Permitted
2. Pregnancy Warning
AND, choose ONE of the following firearm posters, as appropriate:
3a. No Firearms Allowed Poster

To be posted in any restaurant that has elected to prohibit firearms of any kind, whether open or concealed, on its licensed premises by conspicuously posting this sign, and in all other licensed premise that are licensed to sell beer, wine, or spirits for on-premise consumption.

3b. No Firearms Allowed EXCEPT Concealed Carry Poster

To be posted on all licensed premises that do not sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premise, or restaurant that has not elected to prohibit firearms of any kind whether open or concealed, on its premise by conspicuously posting the sign on its premises.

3c. No Firearms Allowed by Election of Landowner Poster

To be posted on all licensed premises that do not sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises but choose to prohibit all firearms at the election of the landowner.

Please note that only addressed criminal liability. This rule does not address the rights of any licensee to prohibit firearms under civil law.

Tobacco Poster

Licensee may provide their own poster, pursuant to New Mexico §61-37-17, or use the one provided here.

Tobacco Poster

Assorted Forms

Record of Sales and Keg Registration Form
Tax Clearance Request ACD-31096 Revised 9.13.2022
Wholesalers Statement of Debt Clearance 2024
Liquor License Elections for New Mexico

Click here to check your Local Option Districts Sunday Sales ELECTIONS for New Mexico.

Liquor License Quotas for New Mexico

Click here to check your Local Option Districts Liquor License QUOTAS for New Mexico.

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